India FX

Month Year Search By Keyword
S.No. Title Date
1 Rupee closed weaker on 26072024 01 Oct 2020
2 Rupee closed flat on Wednesday 30092020 20 Jul 2020
3 Rupee closes stronger on Friday 26 Jun 2020
4 Rupee opens weaker 22 Jun 2020
5 Rupee weakens on pandemic concerns 16 Jun 2020
6 Rupee opens weak closer to the border 15 Jun 2020
7 Rupee crosses crucial 76.00 mark 12 Jun 2020
8 Rupee opens lower on the back of US slowdown 11 Jun 2020
9 Rupee remains steady 10 Jun 2020
10 Rupee to open steady on Tuesday 08 Jun 2020
11 Rupee closes weaker than its opening on Friday 05 Jun 2020
12 Rupee opens flat amidst inflow expectations 04 Jun 2020
13 Rupee closes weaker to its opening against the USD 03 Jun 2020
14 Rupee opens weak on Moody's Downgrade 20 Apr 2020
15 Rupee opens cautiously flat amidst mixed news 17 Apr 2020
16 Rupee opens weaker at 76.75 as investors flock to safe haven USD 15 Apr 2020
17 Interbank to remain closed today for Ambedkar Jayanti & Baishaki 13 Apr 2020
18 Inter Bank markets to remain closed on Friday amidst market weakness 31 Mar 2020
19 Rupee opens stable after RBI securities announcement 20 Mar 2020
20 USD/INR open up as ongoing COVID-19 fear grip market sentiments 19 Mar 2020
21 The rupee weakened considerably to 74.80 in NDF markets 18 Mar 2020
22 USD/INR open up on poor risk appetite, persistent fear over coronavirus pandemic 17 Mar 2020
23 USD/INR open up as Fed rate cut scares investors of virus impact 16 Mar 2020
24 USD/INR trades rangebound and closed at 73.9200 on Friday 13 Mar 2020
25 US Fed to buy USD 1.5 Tn of Debt Securities across Maturities. 12 Mar 2020
26 Rupee expected to weaken again as India cancels all Visas 11 Mar 2020
27 Rupee remains weak in NDF even as interbank is closed due to Holi 09 Mar 2020
28 USD/INR open sharply up on global risk aversion, mounting tension around rising coronavirus cases 06 Mar 2020
29 USD/INR open up on fear of spread virus. 05 Mar 2020
30 Federal Reserve cuts rates by half a percentage point leading to a sharp recovery of the rupee 03 Mar 2020