The resurging bloom of digital marketing in the post Pandemic Era has canonically transformed how the world uses the internet to influence and promote new businesses as well as reorient old ones.  Social media has proven time and again to be a highly reliable medium to help businesses thrive by establishing knowledgeable insights and catering specific indicators to content creators that allow analytics to fuel decisions that pave true progress.

A handful of DM agencies have employed consistently the ‘landfall’ approach where you post high volume media on all major platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram to draw in ‘engagement’ showcased via a barrage of ‘likes and comments, thereby presenting to the layman, a successful ploy that draws in eyeballs to their content.

However, all that glitters is not gold for such “likes” and “comments” , while they can go viral, they do not result in conversions or sales. Google’s Pay-per-click, also known as PPC is also another way of climbing the page rankings but if one calculates the amount spent against conversions to business, it can be a let-down most of the time. For instance, from a company’s point of view, the term should be “Digital Sales” instead of “Digital Marketing” where the emphasis should be on acquisition cost per client with a double-digit conversion ratio and with an emphasis on quality rather than quantity.

A combination of both aspects is necessary for delivering a homogenous strategy that unifies a marketing visual fully. One may begin by taking a deep dive into Meta Forensics that allows certain organizations to harness a peculiarity that is specific to their product and therein, gear their social media and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques in a way that leaves a signature that can always be traced back to the source.

To achieve this, however, one must navigate the highly volatile seas of Web Forensics. The ability to audit a website's architecture, quality, performance optimization, content checking, internal link-building capabilities are how technical developers diversify themselves to digital marketers. They can go beyond and check for Link Analysis, Visualisations, Content Checking, Website Optimisation, Google crawl, and so on to help identify even the unseen problems that may hamper you in the long run regardless of how effective the marketing campaign is. Embrace blockchain based AI enabled technology for mining of meta-tags for continual  refresh to your process.

Thus emphasizing the technical norms is critical to garner consistency and employ a unique and identifiable narrative that maintains your brand image in the front regardless of google ranking. To maintain relevancy in your marketing strategy you must look through your own lens and sketch a narrative that exists persistently in the consumer’s mind. How do you do that? Follow up with my next article to remap your ideal message.